Doctor's appointment today went very well!! Today is considered Day 5 of my body's cycle, and so far everything looks good. I go in for another ultrasound on November 4th, and then again on November 7th. The consensus from my Doctor, is that we will more than likely watch my body this month, and make sure everything is rock solid before actually doing any insemination. He wants to make sure that my ovaries, the follicles, the eggs, and everything else develop the way they are supposed to, on a schedule.
This make sense, not only from a health standpoint, but also a financial standpoint. We would all hate to be over zealous and have a donor sample shipped in, only to find out that my ovary needs some assistance, didn't drop an egg at all, or if I need some hCg shots to beef things up, and miss our window of opportunity and the donor sample expire.
It is still possible that during one of the appointments on the 4th or 7th, that he will say everything looks ripe and to go ahead and have a donor sample shipped in. Since that is still a possibility, I of course need to double check on just how quickly I can get it delivered.
So, trying for the 12th of November is still an option, though only if the doctor feels I am right on target. If we miss that part of my cycle, due to needing "help" for my body to do its job, then we will try for December 12th. Either way, I am totally comfortable and happy with what we've decided. While I am excited and would love for us to try on the 12th of November, I also want it to be done right., ya know? LOL - So now we wait and watch!
Until next time......
Very exciting! Will be praying for all to go well!