Thursday, November 17, 2011

Could it be? Do we have a date?

Well kids – looks like we are doing an insemination on the 2nd week of December! My doctor called today to discuss my lab panel that was drawn on Monday. My levels of progesterone were VERY low, indicating that I did not ovulate this month. Ginger believes this is just residual from the birth control, and there are no real issues.
     Next week, on day two or three of my cycle, I am going in for one more panel of blood work and to start receiving doses of Clomid. Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate Oral tablet) is to ensure that my follicles and eggs get nice and fat and ready to accept the donor! I will probably take those doses from Day 5-10 of my cycle. Then, on day 13-15 we will pick a day that they chemically release the mature egg to meet up with the spermies LOL – This should fall on or around December 6th/7th if my Day One actually happens mid next week.
     I am kind of hoping that Day One doesn’t show up until Thursday (Thanksgiving), so I can ensure my doctor and medical office is open after the holiday J Anywho, that’s the update!! Eeek! 

Until next time.....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

We have a plan!!

Ok! An official update! This will encompass everything that has happened this last week   :)

I had an appointment last Friday, where they were monitoring my right ovary, as it had the growing follicle. On Friday it was at 12mm, which looked promising. Monday I went in for another ultrasound, and they discovered that sometime over the weekend (probably late Sunday night, early Monday morning) the follicle and egg had disappeared. There was a little bit of fluid in the ovary, leading them to believe that maybe the follicle released the egg early, and it wouldn’t have been viable to transplant anyway.
   I had a consult today with Ginger, Dr. Benezra’s partner, and we came up with a game plan for the next 3 weeks. She is under the opinion that the results of this last month’s observations were because of the many years I’ve been on birth control. It can take up to 3 months of course for your body to get back in to its own cycle.
    She seems to believe that this next cycle, being the 3rd one without birth control, will be a promising cycle. Next Monday I go in for a blood test, to check my levels of progesterone. If they are within a certain range, it will indicate if I did in fact ovulate and process the egg, or if the levels were too low. Based on some questions she asked about tenderness, etc, she seems to believe my levels will be just fine. 
   On Day 1 or 2 of my next cycle, which should be around Nov 23rd or 24th, she wants me to come in for another blood test, and they’re going to do a fertility panel. Again to check levels of progesterone, and my LH (lutropin) levels, I believe. She wants me to come in for an ultrasound on Day 10 (which might be a Saturday), and from that day for the next 4-5 days she wants me to use the home ovulation sticks to measure my LH levels.
   On the day I see the spike in that specific hormone, I am supposed to call the office so that the very next day they can “shoot me up.” – So it looks like we will be trying on Dec 7th or so in that area. Then, after we do one try, I take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after. J I like her (Ginger) a lot – she is very positive, but clear and concise when explaining things, which is very helpful. She has asked me, that if it’s possible to start walking 2 times a week as a stress reliever, so that I’m not so anxious or wound up. Not a brisk walk or exercise really, but just as a release. My blood pressure was a bit elevated today because of it all. I told her I definitely would haha. So, that’s the latest – everything seems to be going pretty well. 

I am excited!
Until next time.....